v1.5.0 is out!

As usual, here is a new update with several additions and modifications!
This version has some majors technical changes, so if you see any issues please do not hesitate to report them (either in the discussions or in the Discord server).

I hope you'll like it, and if you do please leave a review :)

- new Cursed Sword item
- new Vampire Bat item
- new Pottery Apprentice item
- new Overdraft Authorization item
- new Second-Hand Shoes item
- support of plenty of new languages (in beta state)

- improved performances and stability
- with a keyboard, can use E instead of Enter to simplify the use of the game with a mouse
- the Hacker can now choose between hacking and using machines normally
- get a free starting chest when playing in easy mode
- antimatter cannot be find anymore with Summoner/BomberKid
- the Vampire now has Vampire Bat item by default
- the Knight boss now moves slower
- more items and less enemies HP in multiplayer mode
- the Condemned/Dead/Cultist characters now have dedicated weapon sprites (thanks to @Joethezombie)

- some damages texts were not displayed
- some boss patterns were broken and really hard to dodge
- it was possible to quit and resume the run to have another item
- the Pyro/Knight/Summoner characters weren’t able to throw magic crystals


web_demo.zip Play in browser
9 days ago

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